James on his American Road Trip, North America Travel Consultant


Road Trip Consultant

Capitol Building, Washington DC, USA
James on his American Road Trip, North America Travel Consultant
James, American Road Trip Consultant

Most Recent Road Trip… driving Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway in October.

The colours of the Autumn leaves were spectacular and really made what is already a stunning drive experience all the more special.

My favourite hotel is the Shack Up Inn in Clarksdale, the birthplace of Blues Music, in the Mississippi Delta. Guests stay in one of their many restored sharecropper shacks which surround the original cotton gin, a truly unique place to stay!

Most Memorable Drive… The Outer Banks National Scenic Byway!

This beautiful coastal island drive was made special by the dolphins swimming alongside our ferry, the wild horses (descended from Spanish Mustangs) on the beach at Corolla, and of course, the Wright Brothers National Memorial at Kitty Hawk.

what our customers say

From the outset, this was the only company who pro-actively engaged with our enquiries and understood what we were looking for. After our initial conversation we changed our requirements and a new itinerary was provided which exactly met our needs. Hotels, travel arrangements and organisation was excellent. James has been helpful before, during and after our holiday. We cannot recommend this company enough!

Viv S, 2023

Questions About Us

What is the office address?

You can write to us at: The American Road Trip Company, The Steam Mill, Steam Mill Street, Chester, CH3 5AN

What are the office hours?

You can talk to any of our experts from Monday to Friday, 09:00 AM to 19:00 PM or Saturday from 09:00 AM to 16:00 PM; give us a call at 01244 342 099!

Out of hours? Send us an email, and we will get back to you promptly.

Our Trusted Partners And Providers

ARTCo customers can be confident that we only work with the very best service providers, such as Virgin Atlantic, British Airways and Alamo. Any payments made to us are fully protected via the government’s ATOL scheme (Flight packages) or Financial Failure Insurance (Non-Flight Packages).

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